Liquid Density

Our services in the calibration laboratory for liquid density

Based on our long-time experiences we offer accredited calibration services for liquid density according to ISO/IEC 17025 with DAkkS calibration certificate.

The metrological traceability of the measuring quantity liquid density is carried out using three recognized calibration methods.

Hydrostatic weighing for determination of density reference liquids (primary method, own development)
The metrological traceability to the national standard of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt is realized via a quartz glass sphere.


Manufacturing of density reference liquids

Values / guidelines
in kg/m³ at 20°C
Designation of the
density reference liquid
690 RF 10
720 RF 15
816 RF 20
820 RF 50
827 RF 100
832 * RF 200
998 RF 300
1250 RF 400
1620 RF 500

* new guide value 09/2024

DAkkS calibration of density meters

Determination of density according to the Oscillating U-tube principle
Calibration of density meters of different manufacturers in a measuring range from 600 kg/m³ to 2000 kg/m³ at reference temperature of 20 °C.
For the calibration we use traceable reference density reference liquids of our own production.
On customers request the calibration can be carried out at desired measuring points and at temperatures in the range between 15 °C and 50 °C.


Density range Temperature range
600 kg/m³ to 2000 kg/m³ 15 °C to 50 °C


DAkkS calibration of hydrometers according to the Cuckow-method

Cuckow-method for calibration of hydrometers
(primary method, own development)
The reference standard device according to the Cuckow-method ensures the metrological traceability to the national standard of PTB.
The calibration procedure is based on the Archimedean principle. Hydrometers are also named as density spindles and are measuring devices which are used to determine molar contents.
Density range Temperature range
600 kg/m³ to 2000 kg/m³ 20 °C

Our concrete range of services, including the expanded measurement uncertainties, can be found in our current price list for liquid density.


Our complete range of services, including expanded measurement uncertainties, can be found in the annex to our current Accreditation Certificate (D-K-15186-01-02).


Calibration with certificate (not part of the accreditation scope)

We measure your liquid samples for you:

Density range Temperature range
0 kg/m³ to 3000 kg/m³ 15 °C to 90 °C
Liquid Density / Bild-1
Liquid Density / Bild-2
Liquid Density / Bild-3
Liquid Density / Bild-4